Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One of my favorite movies of all-time is "A History of Violence." It is about a normal man who becomes a hero through an act of random violence. He stops a robbery in progress through a few unbelievable actions. Not only does his family and him get massive amounts of attention, but all this unwanted publicity turns his life upside down. A dark past begins to haunt him, as a crime mafia thinks he is someone he is not... or is he? Could this be just confusion of a mistaken identity, or does this man have a lot more to his past than what his family thinks.

The reason this movie ranks among some of this centuries best films (according to me), is because of its shady hazzy-ness of its plot. It constantly leaves you guessing who this ordinary man actually is. It also has good acting, and a mafia plot that has never been seen before. "A History of Violence" constantly changes the tempo, leaving you on the edge of your seat. This dramatic action thriller will leave you excited for every scene, and is the type of movie you can watch over and over.

This movie is very "fresh" according to RottenTomatoes.com, ranking 88% fresh. This is very good considering this site says only about 30% of all movies are "fresh." The tomato critics call this movie a "Psycho-sexual violent thriller," and is called "Yet another masterpiece from this master director." They say the acting and script writing as flawless, as the downfall was the editing of the film. At times the film is messy, and could of been re-edited to be easier to understand for viewer, or "more shaving in the editing room."

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