Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bob Bloom of rottentomatoes.com review

I decided to chose a movie that is currently in the spotlight, hopefully one that most of us have seen. "No Country for Old Men" directed by Ethan Coen was one of those movies where I actually felt excited to see. Going to theatres and seeing movies have never quite been my thing. I have trouble sitting still for entire movies so I feel as if I only can watch fast-paced action movies, or movies that keep your gripping onto your seat. Reading the reviews for "No Country for Old Men" left me with a lump in my throat, and i felt as if everyday I put off seeing it the excitement would grow inside me.

After viewing the movie, I felt let down. I thought it was a very realistic, creative movie, with many plot lines. I found myself constantly trying to figure out what was going on, and getting lost in the unbelievable realness of everything. I was utterly disappointed, not at the movie, but at the reviews that left me hoping for more than what I actually received.
Rottentomatoes.com's reviews of "No Country for Old Men" are very optimistic, with very few "rotten" reviews. After searching through a couple dozen reviews I came across Bob Blooms painfully optimistic review for No Country, for what he thought made the movie great was the real reason it gave me a headache. Bob says it in his own words here:

-No Country’s plot cannot begin to tell the entire story because it is what is underneath
- At times, No Country for Old Men is as emotionally desolate and unforgiving
The ending may leave some viewers disappointed, others perplexed

If you like fast-paced confusion and realistic gore this movie is for you.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

just saw no country for old men; it's unassumingly unconventional and yet (thankfully) never over the top... all in all the Coen brothers deserve their Oscars, well done indeed.